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Brian McDonald
Story Structure Class
Brian McDonald, the writer/director behind the award winning short White Face will be teaching a weekend seminar on story construction next month. McDonald is also the co-author of Inheritance which was a semi-finalist at the Austin Heart of Film Festival screenwriting competition.
Over the past few years McDonald has taught his course through 911 Media Arts Center in Seattle, but has now struck out on his own.
In the class you will learn how to recognize the structure of celebrated stories and films and apply those techniques successfully to your own work. Learn the secrets of Dickens, Steinbeck and Billy Wilder.
If you are a writer with something to say you will learn how to give your stories resonance and depth without being preachy.
The first course will take place December 7th and 8th from 10:00am to 2:30pm and will cost $200 per person. A $50 discount will be given to IFP members. Class size is limited t0 20 students so sign up early. To register for the class, and get more details please contact Brian McDonald at .
For those of you who are not interested in the classroom environment, but have a screenplay you are working on, McDonald is available for one-on-one consultation. Please contact him at the above email about fees.
"Nobody, in Hollywood or out, understands story better than Brian McDonald. Never give a script to Brian to read casually, because he doesnt know how to do that. He only knows how to make it better whether you like it or not."
-- Mark Handley Screenwriter, Nell
AUSTIN FILM FESTIVAL (1999) semi finalist Best Feature-length Screenplay
DISNEY FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM (1999) semifinalist for sitcom script
SAGUARO FILM FESTIVAL (1996) Best Short Screenplay
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