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Executive Producer
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Jeff Merriman-Cohen is Executive Vice President of Merriman Capital Management. At Merriman Capital Management, he has developed and oversees the firm's money management strategies as well as company operations. Merriman joined the firm in 1988. He has also written articles for numerous investment publications and is often quoted in local, regional and national media.
Merriman is also a director on the board of Zaring Cioffi Entertainment, a full-service production company headquartered in Los Angeles, with satellite offices in Denver, Colorado and Seattle, Washington. The firm specializes in creating some of the most exciting and media-friendly events in the country by connecting Hollywood star power to corporate goodwill. ZCE has established an exceptional track record of first-class celebrity events, and is recognized within the entertainment industry as a leader in their field.
As a friend, Scott Schill approached Merriman to help him raise some money to produce Inheritance. He remembers "I read the script and watched a copy of White Face and liked the style of both Kris Kristensen and Brian McDonald." Then having met the people involved, he saw a chance to help "some great people to get a great project off the ground. It is too bad the timing of the film came along side a very difficult time for investing, it would have made it much easier to raise the funds needed." While he was only able to spend a part of one day on the set, Merriman recalls, "it was wonderful to watch so many people work so hard to get the job done."
Merriman lives in Seattle with his wife Barrie, and son Aaron. They are avid sports fans and support numerous local charities.
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